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Make a big things bigger

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Good design matters

My mission is to make design simple and useful.
Hi, My name is Krystian Karpiuk aka smntfl. I live in eastern Poland, Białystok – among forests, meadows and many rivers, which makes everything around me deeply inspiring. In my spare time, I paint large-format pictures.
I'm Designer, 2D Graphic designer, 3D visualization maker, Photographer, Web designer. I have been working as designer for over 20 years. I'm into plastic arts since I was a child so, it can be said that I have been creating for almost 40 years.
Projects Done
Happy Clients
Great Ideas
Years of Designing

External links to my profiles:


I do design differently

Branding & Packaging

I love creating new brands and packaging. In recent years, I have mainly created brands for food and cosmetics. There are over 1000 products on my list of created packaging.

Graphic Design, Logo & Job–Printings

I like creating a logo with a brand book. So far I have designed business cards, letterhead, social media graphics, posters, short animations. Your brand needs a lot of graphics to be able to compete.

3D Visualization

For many years I have designed 3d visualizations for brands from around the world, including IKEA, Dosch, Washington and Los Angeles City Halls, Rem Koolhaas architectural office.

Art & Product Design

In my spare time I paint large-size pictures, design furniture and everyday objects. I mainly paint in the direction of suprematism with elements of atimimetism. Sometimes I will also build something.

Photography & Motion GFX Design

My many years of adventure with photography began with landscape photos. Ansel Adams is my authority figure in photography. Through his The Zone System, my photos are getting better.

Web Design, UI & Apps

I started my adventure with coding websites as a teenager. I liked creating websites in Flash technology. The man who inspires me is Sir Tim Berners-Lee (director of the World Wide Web Consortium).

Do more with your designs!

Why choose me?

01.  I am strongly creative.
I love designing since I was a child. This is my whole life. I devote oneself to each new project completely.
02.  I am very responsible.
Preparations. Punctuality. Reporting. Scrupulousness. These are just a few of my everyday work attributes.
03.  I am super friendly.
I'm an optimist and a cheerful person. In the hardest situations, composure wins, so I don't bother when plans change.
04.  I am multidisciplinary.
I can design a brand from scratch and then make graphic designs, packaging, 3D visualizations, take photos, design and code a website. You can minimize costs by cooperating with me.

Work Process

I will take you through the design processes quickly and in a relaxed atmosphere.
I call it: Empathy Driven Design

1. Disscuss

2. Make

3. Product

Facts about me

Together with my friends, we have created interactive electronic items, including: musical stairs; music mats (dance, have fun, create unique music); interactive lamps with touchpad! Be sure to visit the site!

I have a micro-blog about mistakes in microtypography and more. The examples are taken from our day-to-day life, they can cost a lot shame or even laugh. Let's try avoid them!

I had run workshops on 3D architectural visualization. It was directed to students of the faculty of architecture and town planning. I am proud to look at my former students who are better at 3D than me today!

I also like creating short graphic animations. You can find and watch them on my Youtube smntfl channel. In addition to short films, you will find longer films showing how I create paintings in large formats.

Over the years of shooting, I have discovered and practice a lot of interesting techniques. Infrared photography. Long exposure. Bi-color polarizing filter. Real HDR (used in 3D design). Rotatable 360° photos.

I have organized many photo exhibitions. You could admire the works of the most outstanding nature photographers from my region, Podlasie. I also had the pleasure of presenting my own photo gallery.

Profile photo of Krystian 'smntfl' Karpiuk


I’m available for the new projects

Bialystok, POLAND
Call me
Krystian Karpiuk
+48 669 73 73 76
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Want to discuss your new project?

Remember Choosing a good designer will save your time and money.
I can help you go through the design process quickly and nicely.